It’s that time of year again! Credit cards are out, businesses are preparing, and shopping centers are not going to know what hit them. Black Friday is the day that most people look forward to all year long! With huge…
Category:Business Video
When you think of the word business, what comes to mind? Corporate, contracts, offices? It can all seem very dull, colorless, and stuck within a confined box of rules and regulations. Businesses should break that mold, stand out, and engage…
Onboarding a new staff member can sometimes be a grueling process. Trying to teach a new hire everything they need to know about your company, team, and their role can be a lot to juggle and extremely hard to put…
In digital transformation consulting, results matter – but so do first impressions. Clients will evaluate a consultant’s ability to overhaul their company’s digital transformation process based on many things, not the least of which is the consultant’s proficiency with digital…
Want to take your internal comms to the next level? Use video content! Sending an internal communications video rather than a traditional memo or email can yield great results. Here are eight ways to make it work for you. 8…
Who wants to sit and read through long documents at work? Bet you didn’t raise your hand, right? Human Resources is a department that is super content heavy, which usually includes monotonous materials on serious topics. However, HR is a…